親元を離れキャンプ場で他のキャンパーと共に一泊過ごしてみたいお子さんの為に、更に本格的なキャンプを味わうことが出来る機会です。日本のキャンプや修学旅行では欠かすことの出来ないキャンプファイヤーを星空の下で楽しみます。この宿泊キャンプでは月曜日から連日参加するキャンパー同士が、仲良くなった友達やカウンセラーと最後の晩を共に過ごす為の機会です。木曜日の朝、通常通り キャンプ場に来ていただき、夕方もそのままキャンプ場に残り夜までの間、更なる活動を楽しみます。夕飯のカレーを皆で作ります。金曜日の朝も、自然の中で目覚め、友達と朝食を食べ運動 をした後、すいか割りまたは小運動会をして最後の各グループでの出し物発表をします。
特にありません。興味のある方ならどなたでも参加が可能です。日本語が十分にわからなくても結構です。このキャンプは日本人に限らず、日本語が母国語でないお子さんも受け入れています。但し、日本語が全くわからないお子さんに関しては、日本語を学ぼう、話そう、使おうという努力や意欲があること、精神面及び社交性の面でしっかりしていること、完全な日本語環境に入れられることに対して耐えることが出来る強いチャレンジ 精神を持っていることをお勧めします。カウンセラーもスタッフも皆、英語を話すことが出来ますので日本語が理解できる出来ないに関わらず、一人一人のキャンパー に対しそれぞれのニーズに合わせてしっかりサポート致します。しかしキャンプの方針で基本的には日本語で活動が行われますので、「自分だけが理解できな い」と思わない、それよりも学び取ろうとするやる気と自信、そして困ったときはカウンセラーが助けてくれるのだという信頼を持って参加出来るかどうかをお子さんとご確認ください。
Daily Activities
We will spend our days outdoor! During camp, campers will enjoy cooking, crafts, games, songs and playing with counselors in Japanese. It is a great opportunity for them to build friendships and community sense with peers. Campers will also enjoy water play, suika-wari, hiking, Japanese summer festival games, and dancing in the total immersion environment.
In the afternoon, campers will be able to select some special interest activities such as brush painting and calligraphy, bamboo crafts, origami, karate etc (depending upon the camp location and availability)
Sleepover Camp
Campers will experience being away from home and to challenge some evening outdoor activities as well as to appreciate the friendship they have built by spending a night together. This is mainly for those who participate the entire session to spend the night together before the last day of camp. Sleepover campers will remain at the campsite with more afternoon activities. We will cook dinner, will have campfire, evening activities and group projects. On Friday, we will enjoy early morning exercise and special activities such as “suika wari” or “Undokai” (Field-day), presentation of each group project/performance, and spend the last day with friends till noon.
*Sleepover camp is still an option for any campers, not mandatory.
- MD Session: We will sleep in the dormitory. This is a Montgomery County facility with bunk beds, showers, and AC. Because we use an indoor facility, we can accommodate any campers for sleepover regardless of their age.
- VA Session 3: Just like last year, we all are going to sleep in tent. For our safety reason and also considering camper`s social & emotional development stages, we would like to limit this sleepover camp to children who are 7 years old and older.
Home Stay/ Host Family Option
We would like to accept participants from other areas. For those who participate from other than Washington DC metropolitan area will stay at one of the local campers home. We will help finding the best match of the host family. In other words, those who are in local will have an opportunity to accept a child staying at your home during the camp week.
There is NO requirement. Anyone who is interested in Japanese language and culture can participate. Children do not have to be able to speak Japanese. We welcome both native and non-native Japanese participants. HOWEVER, we strongly recommend that the child has a strong emotional and social skills as well as good self-esteem if he/she does not have any Japanese skills at all. We will create the total immersion environment. All the staff will be speaking Japanese. It is very important that the child knows that it is okay that he/she does not understand or cannot speak Japanese but it is the opportunity for him/her to challenge himself/herself. All our staff is trained to support each child no matter if the child understands Japanese or not, to meet his/her own needs. And most of our staff can speak English so they are always available to give individual support in English. We just want parents and the child to know that all the activities will be done in Japanese but we are willing to support. Please make sure that your child is ready to be challenged, to take a risk to be in the total immersion environment and has strong motivation with trust and confident.
We suggest that a camper is at least 5 years old. We also welcome older children. We will separate campers into two groups (up to 8 years old; older than 8 years old) in Session 3.
Those who are 12 and 13 years old have a choice of participating as a camper or a Jr. counselor. It depends on child’s personality, maturity, and Japanese skills. Please contact before you register.